1A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort - Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
2I hate flowers. I paint them because they're cheaper than models and they don't move. - Georgia O'Keefe
3If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. What's more, you deserve to be hacked. - Former White House Cybersecurity Advisor Richard Clark
4One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. - Plato
5The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers. - Richard W. Hamming
6In a democracy dissent is an act of faith - J. William Fullbright
7Three can keep a secret if two are dead. - Ben Franklin
8Complaining is good for you as long as you're not complaining to the person you're complaining about. - Lynn Johnston
9"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans... unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing." - Karl Rove, Ex-Bush Advisor
10I'm like the phone company. I'm reaching out and touching you all as hard as I can. - the late Ol' Dirty Bastard
