i am centered
in css, no less

Centering Methods in CSS

Absolutely positioned, 50% from left and top, with negative margins of half the div's size. Will push the div up out of the viewport in IE5/mac (but a CSS filter can fix that).
Not positioned, uses auto-margins on left and right side for horizontal centering. That method does not work vertical, and in IE requires a valid doctype (standards-compliant mode). For IE5/win we include text-align:center on the parent (in this case #outer). An empty 50% high div plus a negative margin of half the height create the vertical centering.
Text centering methods: Text-align property for horizontal aligning (only works on inline elements), vertical centering through an empty 50%-high div as in the last example, plus a negative margin on the div containing the text: The number of lines of text in this div times half the line height (0.5 em). This of course only works if you know the amount of lines, ie. within strictly sized elements.

Tested in: Mozilla/Firefox 0.8, IE6/win, Opera 7/win, Safari 1.2/OSX
Validates: XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS